Aloe Arborescens… the gift of nature

Aloe Arborescens is an authentic gift of nature, belonging to the Liliaceae family, an excellent and valuable botanical species commonly called by the Brazilians “the blenny”.
This plant is well known for being rich in beneficial phytotherapeutic properties compared to other species. Ottavia Ghignone, founder of the “Aloe Ghignone” company, on a pleasure trip to Brazil, discovered this type of plant and was particularly fascinated by it, so much so that she began studies on it to understand its characteristics, thus finding its rich health benefits. The enterprising lady soon decided to import aloe plants directly from Brazil to Italy. It is precisely in the sunny soil of her mother Ottavia that the first cultivation is born, following a unique and particular working process. The juice was produced according to the original recipe of the Franciscan friar Father Romano Zago, born in Brazil.
Alongside Ottavia, her son Gianfranco Lanza soon joined, who with significant experience in Naturopathy and specialized in Phytotherapy, runs the historic Pecettese company, located in the Turin hills and founded in the 90s by Ottavia.
Over the years, the product is qualitatively perfected, making it “Superior”; a cold-pressed aloe, peeled by hand, without aloin and alcohol. Gianfranco and Ottavia personally select the most beautiful and precious aloe leaves, some even 15 years old, and then make them into an extraordinary recipe.

A WONDERFUL NATURAL REMEDY – Ancient civilizations, such as Greece or China, had already understood the effects of Aloe arborescent and used it for curative applications as a remedy for stomach ulcers and intestinal problems.
An excellent natural remedy that helps to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, gastritis, diabetes and inflammations such as arthritis and osteoarthritis; also perfect in the change of season.
I studied Naturopathy for four years, and I am a health and wellness journalist and a consultant in nutrition and eating behaviour. I am personally a witness for its therapeutic virtues; I started to feel the need to have recurring headaches due to gastrointestinal problems due to dysbiosis. At the time, I began reading and studying several articles on Aloe, thorough research of information to seek the solution to my problem…

Bottle 1000 ml - 140,00 euro

Bottle 1000 ml - 140,00 euro

Bottle 1000 ml - 140,00 euro
PERSONALLY TESTED – After long searches, I finally contacted “Ghignone Company”, which had and still has excellent requirements: quality and value. I had heard about it and had read some reviews, and so I went to them buying several bottles of Aloe Arborescens, following all the therapeutic indications.
I began to feel its effects after about ten days from the start of the treatment, an excellent product that gave me a surge of vital energy; my headaches magically disappeared, probably thanks to the detoxifying action.
A natural concentrate of well-being, also unsweetened, therefore also excellent for people with diabetes. Their Aloe Arborescens has an extraordinary working process, is cold-pressed and peeled by hand and is free of aloin, also known as barbaloin. Its colour is yellowish, with a pungent odour and a bitter taste; it is found in the peel and internal gel of many species of plants belonging to the Aloe genus as a form of defence against various insects and parasites. This substance is ingested by humans, even if it is deposited in the intestine in small doses, thus irritating the intestinal muscles. The careful quality system used by them for the production of all products follows protocols following the law, without aloin, therefore not falling within the new legislation (European Parliament 2021/468 of the Commission of March 18th 2021, concerning the species botanicals containing derivatives of hydroxyantracene).

RICH IN MINERAL SALTS – Aloe arborescens is rich in mineral salts, such as zinc, manganese and iron, rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, E, folic acid and niacin and many other substances such as natural mucopolysaccharides that help the lazy intestine and improve intestinal regularity.
- It also reduces heartburn and is an excellent detox; it frees the mind and body from toxins.
It increases the body’s immune defences, helps against inflammation, maintains the balance of the intestinal flora and relieves symptoms of gastric acidity. It has multiple beneficial properties. “Treating yourself with aloe means loving your body”.
Discover more @ Ghinone Aloe Superiore
Pecetto Torinese – Torino
Phone: +39 011 18769077
WhatsApp: +39 373 8251062
I prodotti Aloe Ghignone sono integratori alimentari, e non sono da considerarsi sostitutivi di prodotti e cure farmacologiche.
Il nostro staff è a completa disposizione dei clienti per fornire tutte le informazioni necessarie, ma non li sollecita in alcun modo all'acquisto.
La scelta di acquistare i nostri prodotti è del tutto libera e consapevole, guidata dalla certezza di un'eccellente qualità.